The Arrival of Digital Home

What is DLNA?
DLNA stands for “Digital Living Network Alliance”. It's a way for multimedia devices to communicate with each other on a local network. DLNA-compliant devices can stream

local video, audio, and picture files to each other over your network. It’s a way for your TV to stream videos from your media server and your smartphone to act as a remote that can play a file from one device on another device. That’s the idea behind DLNA.

How DLNA Works
DLNA-certified devices use UPnP — Universal Plug and Play — to discover each other on your network and communicate. DLNA divides devices into different classes. For example:

DLNA is based on Universal Plug and Play. DLNA-compatible devices use UPnP to communicate, and there are three classes of DLNA devices:

Home Network Devices: includes media servers, AV receivers, TVs, consoles, and tablets
Mobile Handheld Devices: includes smartphones and media tablets
Home Infrastructure Devices: includes routers and hubs.

UPnP is a set of networking protocols, which allows devices to discover and talk to each other on a shared network. This is basically how your computer accesses Wi-Fi or sends files to the printer. Most likely, your computer uses DLNA and UPnP to play media and communicate with other devices within your network. All DLNA certified devices use UPnP to communicate with each other. Technically, your computer becomes a DLNA server when it streams media across multiple devices. So together, UPnP and DLNA help your devices to talk to each other.

What is "universal" about UPnP technology?
No device drivers are used to set up the things, common protocols are used instead. UPnP networking is media independent. UPnP devices can be implemented using any programming language and on any operating system. The UPnP architecture does not specify or constrain the design of an API for applications; OS vendors may create APIs that suit their customers’ needs.

UPnP Device Architecture
The UPnP Device Architecture is the core of the UPnP technology and defines the basic network protocol for communication among devices. The UPnP Device Architecture specifies six levels of protocols and technologies that must be implemented in a UPnP device. These are:

Addressing: The device joins the network, acquiring a unique address that entities can use to communicate with the device.
Description: The device summarizes its services and capabilities in a standard format.
Discovery: The device is found by control points that learn about the device's capabilities by retrieving a device description
Control: The device handles requests from control points.
Eventing: The device notifies registered control points of internal state changes.
Presentation: The device provides an HTML-based administrative interface to allow for direct manipulation and monitoring of the device.



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