The goals of the daily stand-up are GIFTS
There are several goals for a daily stand-up meeting:
To help start the day well
To support improvement
To reinforce focus on the right things
To reinforce the sense of team
To communicate what is going on
As a mnemonic device, think of GIFTS:
Good Start, Improvement, Focus, Team, Status
Good Start
Good standups are crisp and motivating. A lot of standups
are bad. They have the enervating effect of an hour-plus weekly status meeting,
only spread out over a week.
Good Start means that the stand-up meeting should give
energy, not take it. Energy comes from instilling a sense of purpose and
urgency; a clear sense of the purpose and a clear understanding what needs to
be done to achieve it. It's important to distinguish this from "false
urgency", where people are geared up for activity but are without shared
The purpose is not to meet... it is to improve.
We can't fix problems we don't know about so a large part of
stand-ups is about exposing problems to allow us to improve. Improvement is
not just about problem solving though. Sharing better techniques and ideas is
also important.
Focus on the baton, not the runners
It is too easy to confuse effort with work. The stand-up
should encourage a focus on moving work through the system in order
to achieve our objectives, not encourage pointless activity.
More so than artificial “team-building” exercises, effective teams are
built by regularly communicating, working, and helping each other. This is also
strongly tied with team members helping each other with shared obstacles. And
an effective team is autonomous, otherwise known as self-managing.
The stand-up should be supporting the creation of an
environment that encourages people to raise problems by constructing a
narrative of other people helping when problems are raised.
Status is about answering a couple questions:
How is the work progressing?
Is there anything else interesting that the team should
There should be other additional mechanisms to answer these
questions but the daily stand-up is another opportunity to ensure valuable
information doesn’t fall through the cracks.
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