
Showing posts from January, 2012

Html - links and Anchors

Html-Anchors To link to sections of your existing page a name must be given to the anchor. First, the headings of this page contain blank, named anchors. They look like this. HTML Code: <h2>HTML Links and Anchors<a name="top"></a></h2> <h2>HTML Text Links<a name="text"></a></h2> <h2>HTML Email<a name="email"></a></h2> Now create the reference links, placing the pound(#) symbol followed by the name of the anchor in the href of the new link. Anchor Code: <a href="#top">Go to the Top</a> <a href="#text">Learn about Text Links</a> <a href="#email">Learn about Email Links</a> Html - email links Creating an email link is simple. If you want somebody to mail you about your site a good way to do it is place an email link with a subject already in place for them. HTML Code...

The goals of the daily stand-up are GIFTS

There are several goals for a daily stand-up meeting: ·          To help start the day well ·          To support improvement ·          To reinforce focus on the right things ·          To reinforce the sense of team ·          To communicate what is going on As a mnemonic device, think of GIFTS: G ood Start, I mprovement, F ocus, T eam, S tatus Good Start Good standups are crisp and motivating. A lot of standups are bad. They have the enervating effect of an hour-plus weekly status meeting, only spread out over a week. --  Brian Marick, "Latour 3: Anthrax and standups" Good Start means that the stand-up meeting should give energy, not take it. Energy comes from instilling a sense of purpose and urgency; a clear sense of the purpose and a clear u...