
Showing posts from 2012

How to create a bash profile

A typical install of OS X won't create a .bash_profile for you. When you want to run functions from your command line, this is a must have. Start Terminal Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder Type "touch .bash_profile" to create your new file. Open the file " open -e .bash_profile" . it will open in TextEdit Type ". .bash_profile" or "source ~/.bash_profile" to reload .bash_profile and update any functions you add. You can add functions as below: ANDROID_NDK=/Applications/android-ndk PATH=$ANDROID_NDK:/Application/apache-ant/bin:/Applications/android-sdk/tools:/Applications/android-sdk/platform-tools:~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/2.0.1.GA2:$PATH alias ddms="/Applications/android-sdk/tools/ddms" alias titanium="/Users/jakir.hussain/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/2.0.1.GA2/"

To delete all .svn folder in Linux

To delete all .svn folder in Linux just follow the steps below:- Start Terminal change your current directory to your project folder (ex: /Users/me/Sites/project_a) type find ./ -name ".svn" | xargs rm -Rf and enter. Done, all your .svn folder has been deleted. By the way, you also can apply this method to remove all .svn folder in Mac machine.

Adding images to the iPhone Simulator

Simple steps... 1. Drag and drop the image onto the iPhone Simulator’s screen this will open Safari browser with your image in it 2. Click & Hold the image this will bring an Action Sheet with some options 3. Click “Save image” this will copy the image to the Photo Library You can also check this out.. It is very useful in case of bulk images uploading in simulator. -Jak

Webhooks ???

Webhooks let you easily develop push notifications. This push notifications is simply a HTTP POST, that is generated by some action. This is a feature aimed for developers who want to get data from actions (like when new picture taken) on device. -Jak

Creating a .bash_profile on your mac

A typical install of OS X won't create a .bash_profile for you. When you want to run functions from your command line, this is a must-have. Start up Terminal Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder Type "touch .bash_profile" to create your new file. Edit .bash_profile with your favorite editor (or you can just type "open -e .bash_profile" to open it in TextEdit. Type ". .bash_profile" to reload .bash_profile and update any functions you add.

Explain ACID rule of thumb for transactions

ACID (an acronymn for Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability) is a concept that Database Professionals generally look for when evaluating databases and application architectures. For a reliable database all this four attributes should be achieved. Transaction must be  Atomic -  it is one unit of work and does not dependent  on previous and following transactions. Consistent -  data is either committed or  roll back, no “in-between” case where something has been updated and  something hasn’t. Isolated -  no transaction sees the intermediate results of the  current transaction. Durable -  the values persist if the data had been committed  even if the system crashes right after.

Mutable and immutable

Mutable and immutable are English words meaning "can change" and "cannot change" respectively. The meaning of the words is the same in the IT context; i.e. a mutable String can be changed, and an immutable String cannot be changed. Good artical on  Immutability in C# 

How to uninstall/delete an application from the android emulator?

Note: make sure the emulator is running. Then follow below steps: 1. Find where you installed the SDK. Mine is at C:\Program Files\Android Create a DOS window Navigate to C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools (where ADB exist) 2. adb shell 3. cd /data/app 4. ls (It will display all the .apk installed in your emulator) 5. rm ***.apk(which you want to remove) 6. exit

Appcelerator Titanium Mobile

Titanium provides a platform for web developers to build cross-platform, native mobile applications using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Currently, Titanium supports mobile smartphone operating systems such as Apple iPhone and Google's Android. However, they are planning to support the RIM Blackberry and other platforms. Features With Titanium, you use JavaScript to code your application. Titanium's compiler will compile your application code into an efficient native executable for each target mobile platform. Titanium writes native code so you don't have to. :) Native apps built using web technologies Apps are compiled and run locally (offline available) Full support for HTML5 and CSS3 Support for all native platform UI controls Third-party JavaScript support such as jQuery, Dojo, etc. Support for in-application SQL database Support for Geolocation (compass, geolocation, forward/reverse lookup) Support for Camera (taking Photos, playing a...

Create amazing Android apps with C# and .NET

Today one of my colleague send me the link of Mono Andriod . A platform to create Andriod app with C# and .NET.. Why you'll love Mono for Android. Mono for Android makes creating Android apps easier than ever before. Cross platform development Discover as you type Reuse existing code Import existing .NET libraries and use them in your Mono for Android apps. The Full Power of Visual Studio Continue using Visual Studio or use our full featured MonoDevelop IDE to create apps using Mono for Android I will try out this soon.. and update you with my findings. -JAk

Some Appcelerator Facts - From Appcelerator News Letter

Appcelerator enables web businesses to rapidly create native mobile, desktop, and tablet applications. With over 150,000 mobile developers & 21,000 apps published under the Titanium platform, we are considered the #1 mobile native development platform on the market. Our customers realize the following benefits with our platform: 60% - 80% savings in development costs Accelerate time-to-market from 6-8 months to 2 months Cut development time in 1/2 Business Benefits w/ Appcelerator Develop once, deploy to multiple platforms Cut development time in 1/2 (on avg) Cut code base in 1/2 (on avg) Decrease time to market Leverage existing, lower cost web development team utilizing javascript skill sets vs. native language device specific programming skill sets Scalable solution that enables a customer's mobile strategy to generate revenue Reach a larger audience that is more engaged with your company and offerings Drives customer loyalty Provides a competitive advantage -...

How to setup Titanium on your PC? (for android develper)

Titanium enables web developer to create native mobile, desktop and tablet applications using open web technologies (JavaScript, HTML and CSS) Good post to setup the environment for android here .. Appcelerator training here Mobile best practices here CReating your first Mobile and desktop applications here Building native mobile application VIDEO here Watch this space for more.... Thanks, Jakir

Html - links and Anchors

Html-Anchors To link to sections of your existing page a name must be given to the anchor. First, the headings of this page contain blank, named anchors. They look like this. HTML Code: <h2>HTML Links and Anchors<a name="top"></a></h2> <h2>HTML Text Links<a name="text"></a></h2> <h2>HTML Email<a name="email"></a></h2> Now create the reference links, placing the pound(#) symbol followed by the name of the anchor in the href of the new link. Anchor Code: <a href="#top">Go to the Top</a> <a href="#text">Learn about Text Links</a> <a href="#email">Learn about Email Links</a> Html - email links Creating an email link is simple. If you want somebody to mail you about your site a good way to do it is place an email link with a subject already in place for them. HTML Code...

The goals of the daily stand-up are GIFTS

There are several goals for a daily stand-up meeting: ·          To help start the day well ·          To support improvement ·          To reinforce focus on the right things ·          To reinforce the sense of team ·          To communicate what is going on As a mnemonic device, think of GIFTS: G ood Start, I mprovement, F ocus, T eam, S tatus Good Start Good standups are crisp and motivating. A lot of standups are bad. They have the enervating effect of an hour-plus weekly status meeting, only spread out over a week. --  Brian Marick, "Latour 3: Anthrax and standups" Good Start means that the stand-up meeting should give energy, not take it. Energy comes from instilling a sense of purpose and urgency; a clear sense of the purpose and a clear u...