.NET Remoting look

.NET Remoting uses a flexible and extremely extensible architecture. Remoting uses the .NET concept of an Application Domain (AppDomain) to determine its activity. An AppDomain is an abstract construct for ensuring isolation of data and code, but not having to rely on operating system specific concepts such as processes or threads. A process can contain multiple AppDomains but one AppDomain can only exist in exactly one process. If a call from program logic crosses an AppDomain boundary then .NET Remoting will come into place. An object is considered local if it resides in the same AppDomain as the caller. If the object is not in the same appdomain as the caller, then it is considered remote.
In .NET remoting, the remote object is implemented in a class that derives from System.MarshalByRefObject. The MarshalByRefObject class provides the core foundation for enabling remote access of objects across application domains. A remote object is confined to the application domain where it is created. In .NET remoting, a client doesn't call the methods directly; instead a proxy object is used to invoke methods on the remote object. Every public method that we define in the remote object class is available to be called from clients.
When a client calls the remote method, the proxy receives the call, encodes the message using an appropriate formatter, then sends the call over the channel to the server process. A listening channel on the server appdomain picks up the request and forwards it to the server remoting system, which locates and invokes the methods on the requested object. Once the execution is completed, the process is reversed and the results are returned back to the client.
Out of the box, the remoting framework comes with two formatters: the binary and SOAP formatters. The binary formatter is extremely fast, and encodes method calls in a proprietary, binary format. The SOAP formatter is slower, but it allows developers to encode the remote messages in a SOAP format. If neither formatter fits your needs, developers are free to write their own and plug it in as a replacement.
Different Types of Remote Objects
The remoting infrastructure allows you to create two distinct types of remote objects.

1. Client-activated objects - A client-activated object is a server-side object whose creation and destruction is controlled by the client application. An instance of the remote object is created when the client calls the new operator on the server object. This instance lives as long as the client needs it, and lives across one to many method calls. The object will be subject to garbage collection once it's determined that no other clients need it.
2. Server-activated objects - A server-activated object's lifetime is managed by the remote server, not the client that instantiates the object. This differs from the client-activated object, where the client governs when the object will be marked for finalization. It is important to understand that the server-activated objects are not created when a client calls New or Activator.GetObject. They are rather created when the client actually invokes a method on the proxy. There are two types of server activated objects. They are:
>> Single call . Single-call objects handle one, and only one, request coming from a client. When the client calls a method on a single call object, the object constructs itself, performs whatever action the method calls for, and the object is then subject to garbage collection. No state is held between calls, and each call (no matter what client it came from) is called on a new object instance.
>> Singleton - The difference in a singleton and single call lies in lifetime management. While single-call objects are stateless in nature, singletons are stateful objects, meaning that they can be used to retain state across multiple method calls. A singleton object instance serves multiple clients, allowing those clients to share data among themselves.


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