Introduction Broadly speaking, a constructor is a method in the class which gets executed when its object is created. Usually, we put the initialization code in the constructor. Writing a constructor in the class is damn simple, have a look at the following sample: public class mySampleClass { public mySampleClass() { // This is the constructor method. } // rest of the class members goes here. } When the object of this class is instantiated, this constructor will be executed. Something like this: mySampleClass obj = new mySampleClass() // At this time the code in the constructor will // be executed Constructor Overloading C# supports overloading of constructors, that means, we can have constructors with different sets of parameters. So, our class can be like this: public class mySampleClass { public mySampleClass() { // This is the no parameter constructor method. // First Constructor } public mySampleClass(int Age) { ...