Islamic Expressions
There are a number of different collections of Islamic terms and common expressions. Here is a collection that I have found to be most useful to explain common expressions and terminology used by Muslims. ALAYHIS SALAM -'Peace be upon him', a formula used after the name of a prophet AMEEN -The Arabic expression meaning 'Please accept.' Used at the end of prayers and supplictions. ASSALAMU ALAYKUM 'Peace be upon you' the greeting of the muslim[the reply is 'wa alaikumus salam' which means 'and peace be upon you. The fuller version reads, 'assalam u alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa baakatuhu' which means 'peace be upon you and the blessings and mercy of Alllah' the reply is 'wa alaikumus salam wa rahmatulahi wa baakatuhu'] ALLAHU AKBAR -The Arabic expression meaning 'Allah is greater.' Also called the takbirALLAHU ALAM-An Arabic expression meaning 'Allah knows best' AL HAMDU LILAH WA SHUKRU LILLAH -The Arabic expression...